Review: Face Mask |Dreams That Glitter


Apologies if the photo isn’t the greatest quality, I took it on my phone and attempted to fiddle around with the editing a bit, so I’m not entirely sure what it’s going to turn out like.

I’ve been meaning to review this product for a while and as far as I’m aware I haven’t posted about it yet, but again apologies if I have, I noticed that one of my posts has completely disappeared off my blog and it really confused me, I thought I’d gone insane and imagined writing and posting it. Weird.

Anyway. Moving on.

I bought this product just after Christmas because that was when my skin was being particularly problematic, probably just because it wasn’t getting enough of what it needed and I wasn’t being strict enough with any kind of routine. Anyway I went into Boots with the entire of buying some new skincare products (this really feels like I’ve written about this before) and that’s exactly what I came out with. I came across a selection of these bottles which contain the equivalent to about ten facials which I think is fantastic. It was quite cheap too, I think a little over £3. There’s a whole range for all different skin types; at the moment I’ve got the one for oily and spot prone skin. After applying a thick layer and leaving for ten minutes and then washing off with warm water, it really feels like my skin is much more refreshed and feels a lot softer after the treatment too. I like to splash my face with cold water after too for an extra boost. For the first couple of weeks I used it twice a week but now I’ve settled for once. It’s a great pick me up skin treatment that will make your face feel fantastic even if it is only short term. So I recommend you go and pick one up yourself as there is one suitable for lots of different needs.

Skincare |Dreams That Glitter

So I posted a bit about my skincare routine in my ‘Beauty Essentials’ post a little while ago, but I’ve used the same stuff for so long and they no longer seem to be doing much to help my skin look healthy and nice so I decided to switch things up a bit. A couple of weeks ago I bought these two products and have been using them daily or twice daily sometimes, but I actually found they have made my skin worse rather than better and not prevented breakouts at all. 


Now I guess it could have made my skin worse for a number of reasons, maybe it’s because it wasn’t used to the sudden change in products, or maybe they’re just not a good mix to use together (I found that my skin just didn’t feel clean or clear when just using the Simple Face Wash once daily hence why I used it side by side with the cleansing pads and Clearasil seemed a good option) or maybe it’s something else, I don’t know I guess I’ll have to experiment. 

So today I was in Boots and looked at all the skin clearing products and came across the Boots Tea Tree and Witch Hazel range, and decided I’d give this ago. I bought the Cleansing & Toning Lotion, Shine Control Day Moisturiser, Spot Wand and Peel Off Face Mask. This came to quite a reasonable price at about £8, but I then discovered that there was a Night Treatment Gel so I’ll have to try and get that at some point too. This set got my attention because I remembered that the Tea Tree Face Wash I had from The Body Shop last year was really effective and cleared my skin quite quickly so I figured it’d be good to give these ago. In a couple of weeks I’ll probably do a review and tell you all how they worked out for me. 



What are your favourite skin clearing products?

Shopping Trip|Dreams That Glitter

Here are today’s buys…

£14.99 reduced to £8.00 in the New Look sale 

Blue (Blue) Stonewash Denim Gilet | 240935440 | New Look


^99p from the 99p store, bargain! Not exactly the same shade I have but here – they cost £6.49 normally!


Because I’ve been meaning to buy some black nail polish for SO long now…

Maybe a review on this at some point? There is currently a 3 for 2 offer on all Rimmel products in Boots and Superdrug, so you should go check that out! The nail polishes in particular are fab. 

Maybe a review on this too later – it supposedly gives you noticeably clearer skin in less than a week…. we’ll see about that. 

So after all this I now have 22p to my name… not including the £20 which I’ve put aside for ballet, that doesn’t count. I ‘ve also got a Boots advantage card on the way, and a subcard… I went a little over the top with the loyalty cards ok? I like special offers, who doesn’t? I’m going to be such a shopaholic when I get a job!