2014 In Review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 4,600 times in 2014. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 4 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

Long Time No Speak

Hello beautiful people! (If there’s any of you left…) long time no speak I know. I’ve kind of just drifted out of the blogging loop and I’ve only really been reading the blog posts that get sent straight to my inbox so I have a lot of catching up to do.

I’m not sure if I’m really getting back into it or whether I’ll just carry on drifting back and forth but thanks a million to those that are still following, I’m sorry for not posting for so long! I’ve just been taking some time to worry about absolutely nothing and have been enjoying the longest summer I’ve ever had – only 3 weeks left 😦

I think I’m going to attempt to get back into writing regularly again so here goes. This is kind of just a bit of an apology nothingy post, sorry! Just thought I’d check by to let you know that I’m still alive.

If anyone would like to nominate me for any tags that might help me get back into blogging a bit more…

I hope you’re all having a brilliant summer! 🙂

Lauren x


Nothing Much To Say|Dreams That Glitter


You know those days where you open a new post screen and just stare at the empty whiteness that lays before you? You have no obvious choices for a post, yet something must have passed through your mind or you wouldn’t have opened the screen in the first place.


There’s many a filter that happens in our brains before we decide on a post, and why is that? Why don’t we just post about the first matter that springs into mind? Is it to please our readers who we think have become accustomed to regular make up reviews (for example)? If you’re only posting to please your readership then is it really worth it? If you spend hours on end planning a post and wondering whether it’s good enough to publish, or whether the content is appropriate or enjoyable, then you’re probably over thinking the whole process by a large margin. If you write posts and then either get rid of it all or just abandon it in your drafts, then why? At some point you must’ve thought it was a good idea, what made you change your mind?

I think there’s also a fear of being judged for what we put on the internet, and rightly so – you should spend some time considering what you do and don’t want people to know about yourself, but the pressures of posting the ‘right’ thing definitely shouldn’t be there.

You have to think about why you started the blog in the first place, and if those reasons are still the same. You might have started it because you enjoy writing and wanted to see if other people enjoyed reading it. If you only blog now to maintain readership and keep it safe all the time – posts that bore you a little and ones that you’re only writing to please other people – what’s the point? Essentially, your blog has always been an empty space to express yourself in some way. You can publish whatever you want to, there should be no boundaries – yet there do seem to be.

I think it’s perfectly okay to mix things up a bit, to change your theme sometimes or maybe even change your blog’s intentions. Over time you change, and so should your blog. Adding in new types of posts may lose you some followers, but it may also attract new ones. People seem to avoid writing about controversial views and when they do there’s a sense of anxiety behind it, but I think they’re interesting and it’s good to have an opinion that could spark discussion from others.

What do you think? Is it okay to have a variety of posts, or should bloggers stick to one theme and only post about that? What makes you send that post you spent half an hour writing to the trash?

Lauren x

1 Year Since… |Dreams That Glitter

Today marks the one year anniversary of meeting Chris Colfer with my friends. Before going, myself, Vicky and Ellena put together a scrapbook full of 70 reasons why we loved him which included pictures and drawings as well. I thought I’d share the book itself and the 70 reasons here today… Read on if you’d like to appreciate all things that make this man amazing.

Chris Colfer…

1. You’re an inspiration. You’ve helped so many people accept themselves.
2. Your acting is phenomenal.
3. You have the voice of an angel.
4. Your writing is captivating.
5. You love amazing books (Harry Freakin’ Potter)
6. Your fabulous dancing (in particular, shimmying)
8. Not The Boy Next Door
9. The Gold Pants
10. When Kurt wore a skirt
11. Your ‘sexy’ faces in ‘Sexy’
12. You call your Kurt fans Kurtsies
13. You’re supermegafoxyawesomehot!
14. You have perfectly amazing hair
15. Your smile is adorable
16. You have beautiful eyes
17. Your sense of humour
18. Your laugh
19. Your perfect ass.
20. Your flexibility
22. Klaine Christmas Duets
23. Correction – ALL Klaine Duets
24. For example; Come What May…
25. Perfect
26. They are adorable.
27. How they are soulmates (and will love each other until their dying days)
28. How they have influenced so many people with their heart warming connection
29. You make a fine superhero
30. You hold the best themed parties
31. You always have fantastic fancy dress costumes (e.g. The Llamanator)
32. You have an awesome dress sense
33. You look good in anything
34. The way you crinkle your nose when you laugh
35. Your dimples
36. Your tweets
37. The best of your tweets have little or no relevance to anything
38. Your recent obsession with instagram
39. Your livestreams
40. Your friendships within the Glee Cast are adorable
41. Your interviews on Ellen
42. The way you break things in interviews
43. When you met Lady Gaga
44. When you blamed your internet loss on Oprah
45. Your love for Paris
46. Your love for England (you should come here more)
47. Your obsession with our Royal family (and how you are one of them)
48. Your obsession with llamas
49. You kissed a llama, and you liked it
50. Your obsession with Diet Coke
51. Your cute and sassy drawings of cats
52. Brian (we love him lots too)
53. You look like Pinocchio
54. You love Disney
55. The fact that you wrote, star and die in your own movie
56. Struck By Lightning gets to the core of how we all feel and dream
57. Your characters are so different but equally awesome
58. You’re a nerd!
59. Your song writing skills (Oh Blaine, you drive me insane)
60. The fact that you’d never tried coffee until last year
61. Your reaction to getting a Golden Globe award
62. Your lovely fans
63. How you never fail to make us laugh
64. You’re our baby penguin
65. Your creativity
66. You make people believe they can do anything they want
67. Your heart is as big as your talent!
68. You’ve already achieved so much and you’re only 23…
69. You never fail to put a smile on our faces 🙂

So there you have it… 70 reasons why you should love Chris Colfer, some cheesy, some serious, some ridiculous.

Lauuren x

West Side Story|Dreams That Glitter


I can’t tell you how long I’ve been waiting for today, I think we booked the tickets way back at the beginning of the year, and it’s been a long few months of revision and exams since then in the lead up to this coincidental end of exams celebration (I didn’t realise my last exam was to be the day before when we originally booked the tickets). Anyway, incase the post title isn’t blindingly obvious enough for you, today I went to see West Side Story at Milton Keynes Theatre.

I’ve not been to see a musical since I was in Year 7 at school and we went on a school trip to see The Sound Of Music. Why I’ve not been back to the theatre to see another since then, I’m not entirely sure, but anyway it happened again today and I’m sure it won’t be such a long wait before I see something else.

West Side Story is a timeless classic, a modern contemporary retelling of the tragic love story of Romeo and Juliet, if you like. It tells the story of ‘star crossed lovers’ Tony and Maria, who ignore the expectations of the people around them and all the violence and rivalry between two teenage gangs, The Jets and The Sharks, determined to spend the rest of their lives together, whatever it takes, willing to take risks along the way. The story is an emotional rollercoaster of ups and downs, and that paired with some outstanding acting, heartfelt singing and flawless choreography (Jerome Robbins) all adds up to make a truly wonderful performance.

The chemistry between Tony and Maria was portrayed perfectly by Katie Hall and stand-in Dom Hodson. Their voices were really beautiful together and you find yourself really wanting them to be together forever, although the inevitable tragic ending to the story is looming right around the corner.

All of the songs are so well written however old they may be, they’re still wonderful, and you’ll find them stuck in your head for a good few days after I expect. It’s difficult not to sing along!

The whole show was very well put together and I loved every second of it. From the second row of the stalls you can literally see everything down to the sweat dripping off of the hard working performers. I’m incredibly glad I got to experience this talent and see it all unfold on stage just meters away from me. You get drawn into the action and it’s really captivating to watch.

Tonight was the last performance of the show in Milton Keynes, but the tour isn’t over yet so I recommend you see if it comes near you! Take a look at http://www.westsidestorytheshow.co.uk 🙂

Every show that I see just convinces me even more that this is the industry I want to work in, whatever that may involve! And I’d really love to tour the country with some kind of production some day.

P.S. – This was written on the 15th June, and i’m not entirely sure how it ended up in my drafts and not published. So, erm, yeah. 

Mid-Week Musings |Dreams That Glitter

Good Afternoon! 

Today has been one of those days where it’s really hot so sitting in the sun would be lovely, but as soon as you go and sit in the garden it goes all cloudy as if it’s about to rain… so I decided to stop by here and write a post instead. My morning has consisted of three hours of solid physics revision for my exam tomorrow morning (then I never have to do science again, yay!) and then I went to a zumba class with my mum, and now here I am. 

I wanted to set myself some goals for the summer, since this is going to be the longest summer I’ve ever had. I finish my exams on Friday, so as of then I have until September and have just about zero plans, so here are some things I’d like to do and places I want to go: 

1. Get Fitter and Healthier

Last summer me and Maisie had a little fitness regime going on, so maybe the same thing can happen again this year and we can practice some more dance. Since my mum is a fitness instructor there’s no doubt that she’ll be dragging me along to as many classes as she possibly can over the next two/three months, so I guess that’ll get me in shape. I’ve also got a bit of a smoothie obsession going on since we got a blender, and they’re deliciously healthy! !cid_F99B74CE80A24D32BD9A1B59AABB0DC0@MaisiePC


2. Improve Flexibility 

This goes along with the exercise, but I’d like to get into the habit of stretching every single day as this would really help my dancing too.iPod July 137 

3. Get a Job

My summer will be extremely boring otherwise! I don’t have the luxury of being able to ask my parents for money and being given it as and when I want it to go out and do things, so I need to get myself employed somewhere so I can earn my own money to go out and do things, I love going to London, but trains are not cheap. I also need money to pay for dance, why do I have such an expensive hobby?!

4. Go to London

That said, I’d love to go to London a few times over the next couple of months! I’ve got pretty good at travelling my way into and around London now and I think I’ve finally got the hang of using the underground. I have friends who live in London who I’d love to go and see and everything dance related that  I want to go to seems to be there too! I’m also going to West End Live at the end of the month, which I can’t wait for!

I miss these people!

I miss these people!


5. Learn Italian 

After my experience taking GCSE Spanish (I reckon I’ll be lucky to scrape a C come results day) I didn’t think I’d be too keen to learn any more languages any time soon. However my friend introduced me to the app Memrise which has a wide variety of different language courses on it and I decided to take it upon myself to learn Italian because I think it’s a really nice sounding language, I really like how the words all seem to flow into each other. So I’m currently working my way through the ‘Basic Italian’ course, so hopefully if I don’t give up by the end of the week, I should be able to speak some by the end of the summer! 

6. Read More

The only thing I’ve really properly read over the last however many months is ELLE magazine. While that’s actually more intellectual than one might first think, I’d quite like to get back into reading more proper books. I have a few John Green books to catch up on, and I’m currently half way through City of Glass by Cassandra Clare, Wicked and The Hobbit (yes, all three at once – that’s how I roll).I have a GoodReads account and I think I set myself the target of 25 books by the end of the year, so the summer is a good opportunity for me to get on top of that target. The next installment of Chris Colfer’s The Land of Stories is out in a few weeks too, so that should get me started, I can’t wait to read it! (I also can’t believe it’s almost been a whole year – on the 16th – since I went to his book signing and met him, time flies!)iPod June 570

7. Summer Dance Intensive 

It’s only really in the past couple of years that I’ve started to think about dance more seriously, but I’d really love to do a Summer Intensive, whether it be two days or a week. I don’t quite know if I’ll be able to afford one or whether I’ve left it too late,  but I’m keeping my eyes peeled.

8. Pass Intermediate Foundation Ballet

I’m doing my Intermediate Foundation exam on either the 21st or 22nd July, which is rather soon and I’ll probably start freaking out soon. I’ve been doing the class for about 3 years so I know the syllabus well, but since it is a vocational exam you have to have quite a high standard of technique to come out with a respectable mark. I’m hoping I can get a Merit (I think a Distinction would be a little too hopeful) because it’s an expensive exam and I want to do the best I can with it to make it worthwhile doing!  

9. Go to a Blog Meet Up

My friend Maisie of High Street Spy is in the process of organising a blogger meet up, which I can’t wait for because I’ve never been to anything blogger wise before and I think it’ll be fun! Maybe see some of you there! 

10. Blog More Regularly

Of course! Notice I haven’t put any specifics on this, haha… Ideally I’d like to fit in at least two posts a week, maybe I’ll even start having set days that I’ll publish posts on…who knows? I think a brainstorming session is in order. 

So, these are some of my plans/expectations for the summer… I’m not going away anywhere this year unfortunately so I’m going to have to make the most of the British weather and think creatively about things to do! 

Lauren x

The Truth About GCSE Art |Dreams That Glitter

Hello! Now, this could be an incredibly lengthy, boring post but I’m going to cut it down into 5 top tips if you do decide to take this option. I took Art & Design which is a double award meaning I get two GCSEs at the end, but the same kind of things apply for the single option I guess. Everything said in this post is purely from my own experiences and I just wanted to put it out there. So…

1. Before you finalise the decision to take Art, make sure it is something you definitely want to do. You have to be completely dedicated and committed to the course right from the start. If it’s definitely something you enjoy and are willing to put a lot of time into, then you’ll be fine. 

2. Do the work! It sounds simple, yet no one does it. Stick to the deadlines and put in that little bit of extra effort to make sure everything is completed in time. It sounds cliché but it’s worth following, if you actually stay focused in the lesson then you will get everything done and everything will come together in the end! 

3. Don’t panic. As soon as you enter panic mode about not having the work done, or having too much to do in too little time (this is often the case, it is a huge work load and is a squeeze to get it all done, so if you are someone who can stay on task and not get distracted too easily then you’ll definitely be ok) then that’s when you end up spending lesson after lesson sitting doing nothing, simply staring at the work load that is in front of you. If you keep a calm attitude towards the subject then you’ll be much more likely to finish it all. A little self belief could go a long way. 

4. Don’t think you can’t take art because you’re not amazing at drawing/painting/etc. If you have a creative mind then you can do the course. I would say that although the fine art aspect is obviously important, there’s a lot more to it than just being able to pick up a pencil and draw something. There are other alternatives than drawing free hand such as using a light box or graphite transfer methods as a good base to aid your drawing skills. This way, anyone can do it! 

5. Manage your time effectively and plan your work. Make a timetable of slots you’re going to give yourself to do the work, and assign yourself deadlines for each bit of the course being completed. Your teacher may do this for you but some let the students be much more independent, which can be an advantage or a disadvantage depending on how much motivation you can provide yourself with. If you’re passionate about the project then this is 100% easier. 

I think that’s it for now… Just know that the course is not just drawing and painting, it’s also a lot of writing about your ideas and thought processes, as well as artist research and analysing other people’s work. If you write annotations as you go through the course rather than leaving it all until the end, or at least write notes at each stage of your project then that helps too. you have to be able to think quickly and come up with a range of ideas within the first week or so of starting a project, otherwise the whole thing gets slowed down and it’s hard to catch up again. Having said that, the themes for exam projects are generally very open (Force, Order and/or Disorder, Fragments, Reflection, Disguise) and lots of topics/areas/interests can some how be fitted in to those titles, so it is quite free reign on what you can do. 

So that was my procrastination and anger over my art course transferred into a possibly helpful blog post… now I need to get my act together, take my own advice and go and get some work done! My exam is Tuesday – Friday and I have piles of work to do, mainly because I’ve done the complete opposite of what I’ve suggested above for the past two years. 

Anyone else taking/having taken/thinking about taking Art please comment below and let me know how you feel about it! 

Lauren x 

Big Ballet |Dreams That Glitter

Ok so this post is a little late, I’ve been meaning to write it for a couple of weeks now but I’ve been distracted by dance and art deadlines (I probably should be doing art right now but writing this seemed more appealing). 

Anyway. Big Ballet was a three part documentary on Channel 4 a few weeks ago that was trying to showcase the fact that you don’t have to be small to be a dancer. Wayne Sleep bravely decided to explore the taboo subject and ventured into the world of overweight dancers. He auditioned men and women from all over and selected the best of them to be in his dance company, with his ultimate aim to produce a performance of Swan Lake, one of the most famous ballets of all time. 

I liked the idea of the program, of attempting to break down that barrier of strict rules when it comes to the professional ballet world, however I do think there are reasons for the specific qualities of a prima ballerina. It simply doesn’t look as aesthetically pleasing if a 200lb dancer in a leotard and ribboned shoes comes across the stage, I think the heavier you are it must be harder to be graceful. Having said that, considering the range of weights of the people that were shown at the audition stage, and looking at those who then got into the company, I think the ones that got in were considerably smaller, and maybe this defeated the object of the program slightly?



Now I’m not trying to be offensive but if any of those girls really loved and cared about ballet as much as they were making out to, they’d surely do something about their weight. Ballerinas need to look tall and elegant on stage and to do this you must have long, slim limbs. I’m not saying all ballerinas should be tall, but they at least give the impression of being taller by really extending their lines and pulling up through the body. A second thing, a ballerina can’t possibly be that much overweight with all the physical demands of the art form. It’s a very strenuous activity and part of the reason why most professional dancers are so slim and toned is because of all the work they are doing and the time they spend dancing in the studio rehearsing or performing on stage. A lot of preparation is gone into putting together shows and what you see on stage is the final result of that.  Professional dancers (and so aspiring ones probably should too) have a specific diet to satisfy the needs of their bodies. They would need sugary foods from time to time to keep their energy up as well as carbs for long term energy. The girls on Big Ballet always seemed to be eating rubbish around the camera or off for a McDonalds, and I think if you want to be a dancer then you have some kind of respect for your body and don’t want to be filling it with fatty horrible foods. 

My next point is how these women wanted to be referred to as ‘real women’ and not fat. Wayne initially called them fat in one of the VTs and that sparked off a lot of reactions from the bigger girls. He didn’t mean it to be harsh or mean, but at the end of the day that is what they are. In that kind of industry fat is just a word to describe people who are overweight, and that’s not healthy. I think the women did overreact and take a bit too much offense to that simple comment. It basically implies that women who are fit, healthy, slim or even just naturally skinny are not ‘real’. It’s the same as beauty campaigns claiming that they have ‘real women’ instead of models. Are models and dancers not real then? What are they? One lady on the show referred to dancers as being ‘robots’ which I found quite offensive and don’t see how that’s any more positive than calling them fat. Yes, dancers may work their bodies and do things with them that ‘normal’ people (excuse the term, as I feel that calling certain people normal is no better than what I’m trying to make a point about anyway but you know what I mean) probably wouldn’t, but that’s what dance has become and it does not mean that dancers should not be considered as real people.

Dance, and ballet in particular has evolved a lot over the last hundred years and like anything it has changed and adapted over time. It is now highly competitive and the standard is so high it’s almost ridiculous, but each generation wants to push themselves and be even more amazing than the last. At some point in the past someone decided (probably a man) that female ballet dancers should dance on their toes… however did they come up with that? As a dancer there is no slacking if you want to get anywhere because there is always people younger than you that are probably better than you and they are becoming the next generation of dancers behind you. Only the best of the best will get to be principal ballerinas at the top. 

I’ve kind of gone off on a bit of a tangent haven’t I… Back to Big Ballet. I thought a lot of the dancers did have a lot of talent, the majority of them had done ballet as a child and been told they were too fat to do it professionally or just quit in their own time or whatever, but many of them still had basic technique and there were a few pairs of definite ballet legs and feet in there. i did think it was quite sad how some of them had had years of dance training and never got anywhere but this was their chance to go somewhere with it. Throughout the dance classes they had you could see they were being pushed hard by Wayne and Monica Loughman and many of them rose to that and coped really well. 

They all developed quite rapidly and by the end they did have a full ballet and at times I’m sure they were doubting whether they would or not. it seemed to be quite successful and it was a brilliant opportunity for dancers who are slightly larger, and I think the company are possibly trying to take things a bit further and see what else they can do considering further projects. If you’re interested, go to @Big_Ballet_UK on twitter and follow what they’re up to.

In conclusion, I think that the ballet stereotypes are very unlikely to change, especially when it comes to weight. Unfortunate though it is that dancers on the larger side may never get the opportunity to perform in a renowned company and tour the country, some of the most important features of ballet are being able to dance everything with a perfect elegance, on your toes, have perfect technique and for the women to be lifted effortlessly by the man. This will always remain. 

I didn’t know this was going to turn into such a lengthy almost rant like post, but if you watched the show I’d love to know what you thought of it, or if you didn’t – what are your views on bigger ballet dancers? And lastly, I’m sorry if some of my comments came across slightly bitchy… 

You can find out more about the show and watch clips and exclusives including the full performance of Swan Lake here on the Channel 4 website: http://www.channel4.com/programmes/big-ballet

The TMI Tag |Dreams That Glitter

My fellow friend Maisie did this tag a little while ago and I said I’d carry it on from her so here we are… 

1. What are you wearing? I got back from ballet nearly two hours ago and since then all I’ve done is sit and blog so I’m still in my leotard and tights with Pineapple jog bottoms, a black t shirt and hoodie over the top to keep warm…

2. Ever been in love? Yes. With many a fictional character.

3. Ever had a terrible breakup? No…

4. How tall are you? ‘tall’ is not a word you use to describe me… I’m about 5’2.

5. How much do you weigh? I can’t remember the last time I weighed myself to be quite frank.

6. Any tattoos? No, I’d quite like a small one on my wrist or ankle though.

7. Any piercings? Just my ears in the normal place, though I can’t remember the last time I wore earrings!

8. OTP? I find too many couples completely adorable to have one true pairing, so I’ll list a few… Klaine (Kurt and Blaine, Glee), Brittana (Brittany and Santana, Glee), Rosschel (Ross and Rachel, Friends…if you don’t ship that then there’s something wrong with you ok), Larshall (Lily and Marshal, How I Met Your Mother) I think that’ll do… but I could go on and on. 

9. Favourite show? My ultimate favourite go to show is Friends, but I also love Dancing On Ice and Glee. 

10. Favourite bands? Girls Aloud will always be my favourite ❤ I do a bit of Mcfly, Imagine Dragons (remember when I saw them live ha), Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco…

11. Something you miss? Ice skating regularly. 

12. Favourite song? My favourite songs at the moment (I’m sorry, this is just not something I can pick one of) is Lea Michele’s entire album Louder, which really perfect. It has something for everyone on it and the songs vary from beautifully heart breaking to making you want to jump up and down in your underwear. 

13. What is your beauty obsession? I’ve always been obsessed with nail varnish, I absolutely hate not wearing any. 

14. Zodiac sign? Aries 

15. Hidden Talent? Er, I can knit? That’s really not interesting. 

16. Favourite Quote? ‘If You Believe You Can Achieve’ is a good one for me though it wouldn’t hurt me to follow it a little more closely. I chose that one because I think it was the title of this blog for a while when I first started. 

17. Favourite actor? This is the kind of question where one person immediately jumps into my head but it’s not happening… there are lots of actors I like a normal amount but I’m not sure if I have one absolute favourite. 

18. Favourite colour? Purple.

19. Loud music or soft? I have strange music taste, my iPod varies from classical music which has to be soft to Fall Out Boy which you simply have to blast full volume…

20. Where do you go when you’re sad? To my bedroom.

21. How long does it take you to shower? On average about 10/15 minutes. 

22. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? On a school day I’ve recently given up putting too much effort into my appearance, I’ve actually managed to cut my getting ready time down to about 20 minutes, a quick cleanse and moisturise, brush teeth, brush my hair and either leave it or scrunch it up in a bun, throw on some clothes and eat. If I’m going somewhere at the weekend I like to give myself at least an hour to get ready.

23. Ever been in a physical fight? I’m not really the type. *Brittany S Pierce voice* stop the violence!

24. Favourite food? I really love pizza and pasta. And chocolate, the dairy milk kind. 

25. Favourite Book? The Land Of Stories, The Hunger Games series and The Perks of Being a Wallflower. 

26. The reason you started blogging? I think I just read quite a few blogs and thought it’d be fun to start one of my own. I think my blog has changed quite a bit in the two years it’s been going though. 

27. Fears? Spiders. Actually, most insects. Especially when they make their way into my bedroom, no thanks. 

28. Last thing that made you cry? Thinking about Dancing On Ice ending…

29. Last time you said you loved someone? I can’t remember specifically, that’s probably really bad oops. Probably the last couple of days!

30. Meaning behind your Blog Name? ‘lifeofadancingfangirl’ basically sums up my life and ‘Bobby Pins, Ballet Shoes and Beautiful Things’ was something that Maisie came up with when I decided I wanted to mix things up a bit! 

31. Last book you read? I’m currently reading Thirteen Reasons Why, The Hobbit and Wicked (reading one at a time would be far too simple).

32. The book you’re currently reading? I should have read this question first, shouldn’t I?

33. Last show you watched? Dancing on Ice. 

34. Last person you talked to? i’m talking to Leah right now. 

35. The relationship between you and the person you last texted? Leah was my first internet best friend ❤ 

36. Favourite place to be? Dancing somewhere. I’d maybe even say the stage. 

37. Place you want to visit? New York! 

38. Last place you were? the kitchen (washing up not eating, for once)

39. Do you have a crush? Plenty.

40. Last time you kissed someone? I’m not sure a picture of Darren Criss or my pillow counts. 

41. Last time you were insulted? My brother likes to tell me how rubbish I am on a regular (at least) daily basis.

42. Favourite flavour of sweet? Cherry drops are delicious.

43. What instruments do you play? i used to be able to play the keyboard and the recorder that’s about as far as it goes… Yesterday I played the maracas! 

44. Favourite piece of jewellery? I rarely go without wearing a bracelet of some description, but I have this really cute one with about 20 different charms on it and each one of them represents a different ballet. 

45. Last sport you played? Not that you ‘play’ it, but ballet. 

46. Last song you sang? I don’t remember… I don’t sing out loud very often 

47. Favourite chat up line? Hey, how you doin’?

48. Have you ever used it? I’m pretty sure it only works for Joey Tribbiani. 

49. Last time you hung out with anyone? I’m not sure ballet counts as ‘hanging out’ but if so then that was the last time. With my ballet class. I just read that back in my head and realised how strange it sounds. Moving on. 

50. Who should answer these questions next? Anyone that’s reading this! 


I’m sorry for the lack of any kind of range of posts lately, I have an art deadline coming up so any spare time I’d had has been spent doing coursework for that (or at least thinking about it). I’ve planned out a couple of posts so maybe I’ll get around to posting something else soon 🙂