Internet Friends |Dreams That Glitter

Starting from yesterday, going right through to next Saturday, this week is going to be amazing… It started with our long awaited sleepover last night, which I’ll talk more about in a minute. On Tuesday I’m going to see Imagine Dragons, then on Thursday I’m going to see the second part of The Hunger Games series, Catching Fire. I wanted to read the book again before I went but I don’t think that’s going to happen now I’ve been busy (procrastinating). On Friday Glee is on which always makes the week better but I do believe there’s a fair bit of Klaine interaction including a kiss so… *squeals*. Then, on Saturday I’m going to see The Family which I’ve been waiting so long for and can’t wait! When I was at the train station yesterday I saw a poster on the wall and nearly fell on the ground, I’m 100% serious. 

So, yesterday me, Vicky, Willa and Lucy slept round Ellena’s for our ‘bluewater reunion’. It has conveniently now been exactly 5 months since we went and slept in a shopping centre, one of the most crazy experiences I’ve ever had and I’d so do it again over and over given the chance (if you want to read the experience from 16/06/13 click here).The fact that we all met one of our biggest idols (and made fools of ourselves probably) and now we’re all the best of friends because of that, it’s quite special. 


Reunion photo…

These people (along with a couple of others who couldn’t make it yesterday) are just really special to me and I’m so glad I met them and Chris gave us the opportunity to do that ❤ We literally watched so many episodes of Glee over the course of the time we were together including the Glee Live Concert Movie. We just flailed and screamed and cried over Klaine and were on the floor every time Blaine was on the screen (then there was Ellena the Kurt stan who did the same for him) and we just had the best time because we were all together. We didn’t sleep until about 5am, not until we’d watched some weird ass British television. If you’ve never heard of a show called Fuzzbox, go search it on YouTube. After about 10 seconds you’ll be wetting yourself with laughter and be incredibly disturbed, and possibly consider the fact that you may well be high and hallucinating. Or maybe this is just the effects of watching it at 4am after consuming a lot of pizza and sweets. We came to the conclusion that it’s a bit like a stoned version of Glee, it has the singing and everything, and you can kind of link up the characters too, it’s quite worrying really. 

I hope it’s not too long until our next meet up, and hopefully at Christmas we’ll be able to have another big sleepover 🙂 

More pictures on 


The Quarterback |Dreams That Glitter

ImageOn Thursday The Quarterback  aired in America, the tribute episode to Finn Hudson/Cory Monteith, which meant that after school on Friday I watched it. I watched it with some of my friends and I’m so glad I did it that way because we just cuddled together and comforted each other through the entire episode, which was really beautiful. I love how the episode was not based around how he died, and I didn’t realise how much until I appreciated that until tonight really. I was at a surprise birthday party and someone brought up Cory and knowing me as the biggest gleek in the room, they all turned to me on an explanation of how he died. After explaining about the mix of heroin and alcohol and how he’d been doing so well beforehand after admitting himself into rehab, I was then asked how Finn was written out of Glee. It was then I realised that actually the whole episode didn’t in any way revolve around he died. It was set two weeks after his funeral, and it was a celebration of his life. It was a group of friends, mourning together and remembering the best parts of his life and being thankful they got to spend time with him and honoured he was in their lives. This is how I want Cory to be remembered, he was so much more than how he died and really that detail is so insignificant in comparison to what an amazingly talented guy he was. Everyone who got the chance to meet him never had a bad word to say about him and that says it all. He may have got on the wrong side of the track a few times in his life but there’s so much more to celebrate than to linger on what happened at the end. The episode was incredibly painful seeing not just the characters, but the cast, mourn over one of their best friends, and to see Lea mourn the love of her life, her soulmate. Her and Cory were meant to be together for a very long time and have a family together and settle down and I’m sure they would have been so so happy together but I guess it wasn’t really meant to be. Lea is being so incredibly strong and I’m so proud of her and everything she’s said about it all and about Cory. She’s just grateful she got to spend the time she did with him and that’s beautiful. The tribute was beautiful, as heart breaking as it was (I turned up to ballet a little puffy eyed). Rest in peace Cory, I’ll never forget you ❤

Can I also urge you to go listen to this song that was written for Cory called Star In The Sky, I think it’s beautiful…

Dancing With The Stars |Dreams That Glitter

Can I please draw your attention to this incredible woman? This is Amber Riley, best known for playing Mercedes Jones on Glee. She’s currently a contestant in the american reality show ‘Dancing With The Stars’ and doing such an amazing job! I was so excited when I found out she’d be on this show, because Strictly Come Dancing is one of my favourite tv shows and since this is just the american version I was over the moon. It combines two of my favourite things, Glee and dancing. I had a feeling Amber was going to be good on here because of all the choreography they do on Glee, but that has nothing on this choreography. This is her first performance, a cha cha cha to ‘Wings’ which I think is her best so far although the show is now on week three. She completely smashed this performance! I really hope she goes far and I think she will!

You can vote for her online here ~

OTP: Brittana |Dreams That Glitter

Okay, so pottergleefan4 recently wrote this post on how she doesn’t love Brittana and explains various different reasons which as a major Brittana shipper myself, I sitll have to admit they are all very valid. (I recommend you go read the post now, if not, I guess you’re just going to muddle through this one.)

I replied to her post with this comment:

I saw this on my dash and had to know why you didn’t love Brittana as much as the others, but I’ve now read all your very valid points for not, and I’m now sat here asking myself why do I actually love them so much? I love Klaine just as much, so maybe I just have a thing for gay couples… I love Finchel but I didn’t really care about them until Monchele became a thing. But I’ve always loved Brittana, I think it’s just how they came out of nowhere really and that’s what I like, the fact that it wasn’t inevitable that they were going to end up together like it was immediately obvious for the other main couples. But I do think that it maybe should have been the other way around in that Brittany was the lesbian and Santana was bi, maybe? But anyways I love them and they’re one of my OTPs and I think I’ll stop there because this is turning into a rather long comment and maybe I should do a blog post on it, sorry!

It nearly turned into a rant and thought it’d be better just to do my own blog post about Brittana, so here we are. I guess my love for Brittana originated from my love for Santana. But there’s a story behind that too, you see. I wasn’t always a huge glee fan, I didn’t watch any of the first series when it was on tv other than if it happened to be on when I was flicking channels but I’d never seen a full episode.

I then met Vicky who is one of my best friends now, and she basically forced me to watch it so I borrowed the dvds and somehow ended up loving it and watching the entire season one in a weekend, returning to school the next week very excited about season two starting. I was hooked. So anyway, it was Vicky and another friend of mine Rhea, who were really the glee fans of our group at the time, and we decided we’d pick characters we wanted to be and we ended up being the unholy trinity. Vicky was Quinn and Rhea soon picked Brittany so I was actually left with Santana, she wouldn’t have been my first choice. But since then I’ve grown to love the character and Naya and now she’s one of my absolute favourite characters.

Anyway, enough back story, onto Brittana. They did kind of come out of nowhere, throughout season one it was made clear they both slept with and dated a lot of guys, they were not the characters you’d expect to be lesbians, but it did become clear they were very close friends and I think Naya and Heather did have an input into the relationship (I’m not a crazy Heya shipper) of the two characters as it wasn’t something the writers had planned from the beginning which is why I guess it came about a bit randomly. I don’t think they did jump right into the relationship at all though and the way they had the whole storyline about Santana finding herself and coming out to her friends and family was really good, I think it helped a lot of teenage girls in a similar position to Santana and a lot of people really connected with that. Their relationship was different to the others on the show such as Klaine and Finchel because it wasn’t inevitable that they were going to end up together like it is for most of the other couples that have been on the show, when you can just tell they’ll be together at some point.

There was a bit of waiting around to do though for them to actually get together as Brittany was with Artie at the time that Santana realised what she wanted, but I loved all their conversations discussing that, especially the locker scene, I think they showed a totally different side to Santana that nobody really expected to be there in the confident, bitchy character that she’d been portrayed as previously but it was there and it made more people able to relate to the character, and made her character more interesting. The way Santana took it into her responsibility to take care of Brittany much more when they were officially in a relationship, was really sweet. She’d look out for her and protect her and explain things for her and ah. I can’t.

I’m aware Brittana shippers don’t have the greatest reputation but I’d love to know what we ever did… and also why Ryan hates us… I’d also like Brittana to get back together please, incase you hadn’t realised. They were just really cute together I’m sure a lot of people will agree on that much, and their break up was heartbreaking even though it wasn’t supposed to be a proper break up. I remember when we all heard ‘Mine’ and thought we were safe from The Break Up episode. Oh how we were wrong. Why did Bram happen? It was just a stupid relationship I really do think so, Sam seemed to ‘dumb down’ for the sake of Brittany and it just really annoyed me. Brittany still really cared about Santana and I don’t understand why Bram had to happen so soon after. Yeah they were a cute couple I’ll admit that much, but it didn’t need to be that serious a relationship so soon.

Brittana in the last episode of season four made me cry so much… that was proper closure really, wasn’t it? I wonder if it would have been different if Heather hadn’t been pregnant and taking time off for the show? (I’d like to make it very clear that that is not a dig at Heather in any way because I love her so much and can’t wait for her to have this baby). Anyway, I just really hope they’ll be reunited as a couple at some point, because they were supposed to be endgame according to Ryan and I don’t see that… However, if it’s true that Santana’s new love interest will be Demi Lovato’s character, I don’t think I have much of an issue with that because I love Demi…. If it’s true they’re doing a duet which I think it is – then I’m very excited for that! Anyone else however, is not for Santana. On the subject of Santana, I really hope they don’t just drop her whole dance storyline, I really loved the scene with mini Santana where she said ‘Don’t forget about me again’ and ‘Don’t worry, I’ve got you now.’ because I really, really want to see that go further.

I’d love to hear anyone else’s opinions on Brittana and why you ship/don’t ship them etc! I hope this wasn’t too ranty or boring!



Book Review: The Land Of Stories |Dreams That Glitter

This is a combined book review post about the first two books of The Land Of Stories series: The Wishing Spell and The Enchantress Returns, written by Chris Colfer, best known for his portrayal of the character Kurt Hummel in Glee.

The first book, The Land Of Stories: The Wishing Spell was published in July last year and it was Chris’s first book (of many, let’s hope). The success of the first book lead to a sequel which was published last week, already proving quite popular, currently no. 2 on the New York Times Best Sellers, while The Wishing Spell has climbed back up to no. 10.  Writing is something Chris has always loved and he has revealed that he has had The Land Of Stories planned out in his head since the age of 10, and that’s quite apparent as you read his books, the detail in which it is written is very well done, and each of the characters mentioned has a full back story, Chris said in his latest lifestream #CC360 – in which he also let loose that he definitely planned to write more books in The Land Of Stories series and had a set number in his mind of how many he wanted to do. When he was younger The Land Of Stories was Chris’s way of escaping the real world. Although the books are primarily aimed at children particularly in the 8-12 age range, there is something about them that can be enjoyed by all ages – so if you think you’re too old for fairytale books, think again and give these a read.


The Land Of Stories: The Wishing Spell 

The first novel begins in The Land Of Stories, where Queen Snow White is visiting her stepmother, the Evil Queen. On our planet, Alex and Conner Bailey are in school the first time we are introduced to them as 11 year old twins. They are in a class learning about fairytales and learn that true fairy tales have been warped by society to be far from their original plots and morals. It’s clear from the start that Alex is very enthusiastic about fairytales and is very fond of them, reading them from a young age she knows lots about them and is very alert during her classes about them, while her brother has less of an interest in the tales. You soon learn the twins haven’t had a great time recently and lost their father in a car accident almost a year before and life hasn’t been easy for them, living alone with their mother with occasional visits from their grandmother. Their lives soon take a turn in tune when their grandmother gives them a book titled The Land Of Stories. Alex is of course over the moon, and is curious about the book, until she falls into the book, quickly followed by her brother. They find themselves trapped inside of The Land Of Stories. They have to overcome a lot of obstacles in trying to get out of the book, along the way discovering lots more about their family and who they are, Alex’s knowledge of fairytales helps them a lot through their journey and trying to get back home. There are lots of interesting and unexpected twists and turns throughout the book which is overall very well written in an exciting and appealing manner.


The Land Of Stories: The Enchantress Returns – needless to say I was slightly excited about the arrival of this one

In this book the Bailey twins return to The Land Of Stories, but not in the way they hoped. The Land Of Stories is in trouble because the Enchantress has returned and planning to take over the world and the Otherworld. The Enchantress captures and kidnaps the twins’ mother, mistaking her for Alex, so the twins are desperate to go back to their fairytale land and save her and the world from the evil Enchantress and her menacing plans. Again they are faced with even more troubling problems and are forced to work together and use what they know to work away around them in order to save their precious world.

The thing I like most about these books is that not everything is predictable and things happen that you don’t expect are coming! The books are gaining more and more popularity as time goes on, and Chris said in his livestream that people that went to his first book signing tour all knew him from Glee and supported him from that, but now on his second book signing, he’s gained lots more fans purely from his writing, which I think is great, as Glee isn’t for everyone, especially children who are too young to watch Glee but love the books. It also shows how he’s getting more famous and gaining much more recognition around the world from a variety of people and age groups.

I’d also like to add that I love the work of Brandon Dorman, the illustrator of the book, the drawings on the cover and in each chapter are wonderful.

Rest In Peace Cory <3|Dreams That Glitter

The last time I was sat here in this exact spot, on this little fold out mattress thing leaning against this wall, was just over two weeks ago on Sunday 14th when I’d just found out about Cory. Going on twitter and seeing ‘RIP Cory’ was one of the most surreal things I’ve ever experienced. I’d never, ever anticipated loosing an idol. Especially not at this young age. It’s not supposed to happen this way. 

It was really overwhelming how on twitter it wasn’t just the gleeks sticking together (which we do pretty well, through thick and thin and going through whatever silly little debates there are and through all the ship wars) it was all the fandoms coming together to support us, to support the glee cast and Cory’s family. Everyone was heart broken, it was just a shock to us all, it was horrible, seeing everyone so upset and broken. But we’re staying strong together, for the cast, for Lea. For Cory. He wouldn’t want us upset for too long. 

Lea tweeted today and got us all going again, just when it had all started to feel a bit more normal, we’d almost accepted it and then it came tumbling down on us all like a tonne of bricks. But Lea thanked us. Thanked us for helping her. And that’s a great feeling. She’s the bravest, strongest person I’ve known and if I can live my life with half of her strength I’ll be happy. She has so many supportive people around her and I truly believe she’ll be okay, she’ll get through this and she’ll be happy again some day. This is all so traumatic and it’s not something to get over in a few days or even weeks, but she’ll do it. We all will.

We’ll miss him every day and he’ll always be in our hearts, RIP Cory ❤

You Me and Charlie!|Dreams That Glitter

If you don’t know this website, then you need to, first of all, so go ahead and click this link, you won’t regret it, and you’ll come across all sorts of marvelous discoveries… —–> 

I’m 100% sure I’ve mentioned this site before, created by the gorgeous Dianna Agron, and a fantastic invention at that. (Check out Dianna’s tumblr – which inspired the idea for You Me and Charlie – here:

Anyway, today, 12.12.12 marks the site’s one year anniversary, and that makes me very excited! I can’t believe it’s been a whole year, it’s been amazing, and I can’t wait for it to continue to develop and change. It’s a brilliant way to discover new artists, music and other aspiring people, and a great environment for everyone to share the things they love. 

Go check it out!:D 

Darren Criss|Dreams That Glitter

7th September 2012 – Night of the premier of Imogene. I’ve been on full on fangirl mode all evening, Darren Criss had his first movie premier and omg I’m so proud of him :’) Just a few years ago he was on stage pretending to be Harry Potter, putting on shows for friends and family and covering Disney songs on YouTube, and now he’s a freaking Hollywood star, in a major movie and major tv show, and still manages to be the most humble, adorable goofball he always was :’)

I’m so jealous of everyone was in Toronto tonight, and those who met Darren… I bet it was the most amazing experience ever. It’s quite hard to grasp the concept that a handful of people were in a room, watching the very first screening of Imogene, in the same room as Darren. Amazing.

From the spoilers I’ve seen from my endless scrolling on tumblr, it looks like there’s a lot of shirtless Darren in this movie. I can’t freaking wait. Now please can it be released in the UK now!




People saying Darren has changed are wrong, he hasn’t. Not one bit. Even though, I haven’t seen everything he’s been in, and just because I haven’t been a fan right from the start, doesn’t mean I don’t know that. From what I have seen (and I’ve seen a lot) I can see that he’s not changed a bit, he’s really still that sweet, adorable kid singing Disney songs in his bedroom. On a bit of a bigger scale. All he wanted to do was become a successful actor, and look at him :’) He’s truly inspirational…


^How can you not think he’s still an adorable goofball?:3 he will never fail to put a smile on my face.

Let me express my feelings on what makes someone a fan. You do not have to be there from day one to be a true fan. The point of fans is that once you become one, you will always be one, and really that’s all that matters. Whether you’ve been a fan of someone or something for five minutes or five years, it doesn’t matter as long as you know you’re going to be there until the end. That’s what counts. And I may have only discovered Darren through Glee, I don’t think that matters, just because I wasn’t the first person to discover him on YouTube, that doesn’t matter either. The fact that I will never stop supporting and loving him, that’s what matters.

And then there was also Fashions Night Out last night too! Which Darren was at 😉 And I really really wish his cover of Dress You Up would be released as a single, I need it!


^Fashions Night Out

This is a lot to handle… Darren is in a major movie. Chris Colfer also wrote and is starring in Struck By Lightning, also VERY exciting, oh and Chris is also author of The Land Of Stories, to which there is a sequel being written…. And Glee is back next week. And there were new Glee songs released yesterday. (It’s Time is my favourite, it’s already made it into my top 25 most played) – this is a lot to handle. And I’m finally getting season 2 volume 2 of glee, and the season 3 DVDs when they’re released on the 17th. I’m so happy and excited!:’)


P.S. The only picture I own is the picture of the book! The rest I nabbed off tumblr, if I knew who they belonged too I’d give them credit.