CAT Scheme Experience|Dreams That Glitter

If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you’ll know I had my first CAT audition in 2013, for the London CAT scheme. That, of course was unsuccessful and I then auditioned for the Hertfordshire Satellite CAT Scheme in November 2013, which was another unsuccessful occasion… from that audition though, I was invited to attend Propagator Youth Dance Company at Hot House Dance, which I did for about a year and my technique improved pretty quickly, boosting my confidence as the weeks went by.

I auditioned for the London CAT Scheme again last year, and ended up with yet another rejection. However, I continued my training at Hot House Dance every week as well as my ballet classes and hours of dance at school. The Hertfordshire CAT audition came around again pretty quickly and I eventually decided to go for it again with a considerable amount of persuasion… and I was accepted! As of Saturday 1st August 2015, I have completed the Hertfordshire CAT Satellite Scheme. I auditioned in December last year and attended weekly technique classes/rehearsals since January, and we had our last official rehearsal as a group on Thursday.

I’d like to begin my addressing the fact that the Satellite courses seemed to be looked down on and not as worthy, but I’d just like to share my experiences from the course and why I think they should be treated as equal achievements…

Over the duration of the course, I’d say without a doubt my contemporary technique has improved massively and my understanding of the technique has developed significantly. I would definitely recommend the course to any budding dancers! I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of the course and have seen improvements not just in my general technique but other specific areas such as fitness, flexibility, ability to pick up and learn new phrases efficiently, self esteem/confidence and creativity. I think the course has definitely influenced my decision and desire to want to continue dancing and want to apply for vocational training.


On Saturday we had our final performance at the CAT Summer Show at The Place in London, aka the home of contemporary dance in the UK. We were one of the few CAT Satellite schemes that there are based around the country and performed alongside the London CAT scheme who performed pieces choreographed by various choreographers that they had the chance to work with. We rehearsed all day and had two separate performances, at which there were supposedly a few VIPs… It was a wonderful opportunity to perform in such a prestigious location!

What do you think?