My Week In Pictures |Dreams That Glitter


I wanted to write a short summary of my week so here we go… On Monday I had a revision day, and that makes it sound like I had a productive working day but actually I just did a few pages of notes and got bored, but I guess I can say I’ve officially started revising now?

On Tuesday I went down to London for the day on my own for an audition (I got there and back successfully without being mugged or getting lost, go me) and it was quite a fun day, it was a good experience at least. I got the letter back today and unfortunately I didn’t get into the course but whatever…

On Wednesday I went to Nottingham, which I’ve been wanting to do for a good few years now. For those of you who don’t know, it’s the hometown of Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean, and if you don’t know who they are by now then go and find out before you continue reading. I’m serious. Me and my friend got dropped off at the National Ice Centre and we met up with a twitter friend who is over from New Zealand which was lovely. From there we decided to walk to the TnD estate because why not? I’ve always wanted to visit it and I’m glad I got the opportunity too. However, I do recommend if you’re going to walk 5 miles then don’t wear shoes that hurt because by the end of it your feet will be cut up and walking will prove to be difficult. Anyway we saw all the signs and took pictures and got a couple of strange looks from the people who lived there but we can’t be the only ones to do that… It was worth all the walking anyway, and we had to get the bus back to the rink. We then skated for about an hour before returning home, and I had a really nice time there. I really like Nottingham and I can’t wait to go back!


On Wednesday evening I went to my friends house for her birthday which was on Tuesday and that was fun, we had a joint cake made by two of our friends which is in the collage, and it tasted really good.

On Thursday I went to see Divergent at the cinema which was amazing! I’ve read the books and they’re one of my favourite series and because I love the books so much the movie was a disappointment in places but overall I really enjoyed it and totally recommend. After that I went out for an early birthday meal with my family which was really nice.

Friday was my birthday and I had a really good day, my mum dragged me along to her fitness classes (she’s an instructor) and made me wear a birthday banner and then got everyone to sing happy birthday…not embarrassing at all… After a quick trip to tesco to pick a cake and buy a few other bits, I had some friends over and I don’t really know what we did exactly but we had a good time!

So that brings me to Saturday and I went shopping with my mum which is always amusing, we just end up laughing at the most horrible clothes we can find.

I appreciate this post is mostly personal ranting about my life and I don’t know if you guys like these kind of posts but let me know either way!

Lauren x


2 Years On WordPress |Dreams That Glitter

I just got a notification saying it was my blog’s second birthday! Which is kinda creepy, because I was just wondering when my blog anniversary was, I knew it was around this time of year… but hey, 2 years, I think that’s pretty impressive! I’ve taken some rather long breaks along the way but mostly I’ve kept it going and it’s been going really well the last few weeks especially. 

I wanted to thank you all for being so lovely and liking my posts and leaving the odd comment here and there, because without all that I would’ve given up with this long ago. Thank you for sticking with all my ranting and slight occasional craziness, but I must be doing something right. 

Since you’re the people this blog is read by I wanted to know which posts you like most and which you’d like to see more of so I’ve created a poll and I will appreciate every answer and comment. 

*I had a few problems inserting the poll into this post so I tried to do it separately and it seems to have worked, so go to the previous post to find the poll*

Flower Girl Dress |Dreams That Glitter

I’ve been wanting to post this for a while now but I wanted to take pictures of my design work to show you with the final garment itself. First off the brief: 



Here’s my mood board I put together after exploring the brief a little: 



Next came my initial ideas: 



After this I explored some more original ideas and did some more developing ones before coming to my final design board: 



And then on I went with the making process once I’d bought my materials and made a toile.I enjoyed making the garment even though it did cause me a fair amount of stress because it turns out that when I have Textiles before midday I’m not very good at reading instructions. Or remembering something I’ve already done. Despite all the things I had to re-do (hopefully I’ve learnt from all that and won’t repeat any of it in the future) I’m quite pleased with the final product as I’ve managed to hide all the things that went wrong so it looks pretty decent! Here it is:


Liebster Award Tag Take 2 |Dreams That Glitter

Hello everyone! Hope you’re all having a lovely relaxing weekend. I’ve gotten extremely bored from doing homework so I’ve taken to blogging as a small distraction before I get back to work and hopefully finish everything I need to do before Dancing on Ice starts! Anyway the lovely SimyToe has nominated me to take part in this award. 

Rules: You must link the persons blog who nominated you for the award. Answer the 11 questions given by the person who nominated you. Pick an additional 11 people to nominate with UNDER 200 blog followers. You cannot nominate the blogger who nominated you. You must inform the nominees they have been nominated.

Questions I’ve been given:

1. What’s one thing that’s coming up within the next few weeks that you’re really excited about?

Next weekend I’m having a sleepover at my friends house with some twitter friends again for another reunion, which I’m really excited for because last time was so much fun and I miss them all. 

2. What’s the last book that you read and what did you think of it?

The last book I read was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows I think (since then I’ve been re-reading books I’ve read before) and I loved it. I spent a lot of last year reading the Harry Potter series as I felt like I’d missed out not reading them earlier on in my childhood and I’ve come to the conclusion that I definitely was missing out, they’re brilliantly written with fantastic plot lines and the films are wonderful too. 

3. Favourite time of the day?

My favourite time of day really depends with what day it is, for example I quite like Sunday mornings but the same couldn’t be said of Monday mornings. 

4. What’s the most money you’ve ever spent on a beauty/makeup/skincare product?

I actually have no idea. I’d say the most I’ve spent on a particular product is £8 on a small tube of lip gloss, not that £8 is an extortionate amount but considering the size of the product and the quality of it it was quite a lot.    

5. Name three positive words that you think describe you. 

How bad is it that I don’t know what to say to this one… um, I like to think I’m a positive thinker for the most part so optimistic, kind and… fun?? I don’t think I’m that fun actually but oh well.

6. Which do you prefer: reading magazines or watching tv?

I always say that I prefer reading over watching a screen but that doesn’t mean I don’t like tv and there are some things I refuse to miss…

7. What do you find is the most challenging thing about blogging?

Finding inspiration to write an interesting post! 

8. If someone were to give you a $1000 gift card to any store, which store would you want it to be?

Probably some kind of department store so there’s lots of choice on what to spend it on. 

9. Name five people who inspired you a lot in 2013.

Only five?! Um, Lea Michele has to be my number one. Cory Monteith, also, he came a long way. The rest of the Glee Cast (pretend that’s one more), Sean Rice and Jodeyne Higgins. 

10. What’s your favourite thing about winter?


11. What’s the best piece of beauty advice that you’ve ever gotten?

Drinking enough water and eating enough of the right thing can make all the difference to your skin. 

Now here are the questions for my nominees: 

1. Who is your idol and why?

2. Have you ever read something that made you think about or view something in a different way?

3. What’s your favourite tv show and why?

4. What skincare product couldn’t you live without?

5. If you could only use one make up product for the rest of your life, what would it be?

6. Favourite hair product?

7. Dream career?

8. Favourite life quote?

9. The three most played songs on your iPod?

10. Guilty pleasure? 

11. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?

And finally, my nominations are:


That’s it from me now! I shall now go and notify all the lovely people I’ve nominated and I can’t wait to see your responses. 

Lauren x 


Vogue |Dreams That Glitter


Vogue instantly comes to mind, doesn’t it? But there are also the likes of Elle, Marie Claire, Instyle and Glamour. I’ve been collecting these various magazines since I was about 10, at which age I was completely obsessed with fashion designing and spent pretty much every waking moment doing little sketches of these rather extravagant dresses I wanted to make. I’d sit there spread out across the living room floor with everything I needed: pencils, pens, paper, sketchbooks, rubbers, magazines, glue, etc, and spent hours cutting and sticking putting mood boards together and trying to copy the pieces that I liked best. I still have this massive folder that I’d made fuller and fuller and re done and re thought out designs and gained more and more magazine clippings, and it’s really not that brilliant but I was proud of it back then. Maybe I should start filling up a new one…

Anyway back to the magazines. You may or may not know that fashion magazines can cost as much as £4.99 sometimes, depending on the time of year and what magazine you’re buying. They are published monthly rather than weekly normally. You’ll notice that March and September are big months for fashion because they contain all the upcoming trends for the next season, therefore the magazines are quite a bit thicker, especially with Vogue.

But are they worth the price? When you can buy a gossip magazine for under £2? Personally I’m not a huge fan of gossip magazines unless there’s a celebrity column of someone I like, or there’s an interview/photoshoot of someone I’m a fan of, in which case of course I’m gonna buy it. They’re just generally really fake, and can publish some awful things about celebrities and at the end of the day they’re just real people, and while Katie Price and such like may seem pretty out there and in your face at times they don’t always want the details of their latest love affairs or weight gain plastered over the front covers of these cheap magazines that people are so interested in. Some celebrities want just fame but don’t quite realise that their every move is going to be followed by the paps and published in 5 different magazines. Some celebrities just want to be successful and got fame with it, and have the same thing, and can have some horrible experiences with the paps who can be incredibly intimidating and invading.

Fashion magazines are much different, a lot of them are just full of ‘adverts’ which are often actually the latest designer’s campaigns or collections which some people don’t seem to understand. The models in those so called ‘adverts’ as most people see them, are paid huge amounts of money for the photoshoots they do because it’s in Vogue. To be on the cover of Vogue is a huge achievement. To be the face of Marc Jacobs or Alexander McQueen is a huge deal to be modelling their work. Each collection is always so different as is each designer, and all the photoshoots vary so much they’re very interesting to look at all the creative ideas that these people come up with.

They also come with the best free gifts… previously I’ve had Jemma Kidd eyeliner, various mascaras, lip products, hair products, creams and nail varnishes including nails inc. which usually costs £11 a bottle. They’re all really good quality products and always worthwhile, sometimes with various ones to choose from a collection.

Vogue is the most successful fashion and lifestyle magazine that started off in America, and is now available in 23 editions. To be the editor of Vogue is to be the most influential figures in the global fashion industry. The editor has the power to make or a break any designer’s career.

There’s so many jobs available in the fashion industry and I’d love to be involved in it if dance doesn’t work out. The fashion industry is my main back up I think, I’d love to work for a fashion magazine I just think it would be brilliant, all the things you’d learn every day and all the great things you’d get to do and go to, it’d be amazing. Especially working for something as big as Vogue. But then again I’d also love to make clothes because I love designing them and seeing something come from a flat drawing on a bit of paper to a real life garment that you’ve made before is amazing if it goes well. I say ‘if’ because I made a skirt last year as part of my GCSE Textiles coursework and it really wasn’t brilliant to say the least, but I think I didn’t really know what to do at first and it was the first time I’d really made anything proper. We’ve just started our next bit of design work which is ‘Flower Girls in the Limelight’ and I’m really excited about this one because I think for starters I really like the design I’ve done and I’ve bought the fabric and the pattern and I’m kind of now thinking ‘oh ok, maybe this won’t be a total disaster’ because I’m now more familiar with what I’m doing and I’m going to take my time and make sure I do it all accurately and hopefully I’ll have a really pretty bridesmaids dress by Christmas. I do plan to share the progress of it here so watch this space.

I’m also entering a young designer competition which is linked with textiles at my school where we have to design a practical handbag inspired by the 1920s, and everyone who enters gets to go to the clothes show on the 10th December so I’m really excited about that. If you make it as a finalist you have to make the bag but I’m not really expecting to get that far, however there is some quite good prizes available for the winner which is quite motivating. So I’ll probably post about that here too. In fact, here’s my 1920s moodboard…


Book Haul|Dreams That Glitter

Book Haul

Today I went to the cinema to see The Lone Ranger (it was quite good, a little confusing in the middle but over all pretty good, even if my nana did fall asleep for over an hour of it, but ssh don’t tell anyone about that ;)) and afterwards we popped into town and went to The Works and WHSmiths, where I bought Wicked, The Perks of Being A Wallflower, City of Bones, City of Ashes, The Fault In Our Stars, Looking For Alaska and The Devil Wears Prada. If you haven’t seen or read Perks, then I suggest you do, right now. If you’ve never read a John Green book I suggest you do that too (I’ve only read TFIOS so far but it’s amazing so). And if you’ve never even seen The Devil Wears Prada (Anne Hathaway and Meryl Streep are fabulous) you need to go watch that. Meanwhile, I have enough reading material to last me a couple of months! Put your book recommendations below please…

Beauty Essentials|Dreams That Glitter

Here are a few of my essential beauty products – from skincare to make up – that I feel it would be difficult to live without…



Clean & Clear Deep Cleansing Lotion

I’ve used this cleanser for about three years now and it keeps my skin really clean, opening up the pores and deep cleansing – excellent for skin that is prone to breakouts. However it is incredibly strong and have once or twice made the fatal mistake of getting it to close to my eyes… ouch!


Simple Eye Make Up Remover

I love Simple products, they are generally very good and although this is supposed to be for sensitive skin etc, it does sometimes have a tendency to make my eyes hurt after using it, but it does do the job it’s meant to.

Simple Cleansing Lotion

Simple’s cleansing lotion is incredibly light on your skin, and removes foundation easily, leaving your skin feeling fresh and revived after being trapped under make up all day long.

Simple Rich Moisturiser

Simple does two moisturisers: rich and light. The light one is made especially for oily skin as people with oily or combination type skin often think they don’t need to moisturise but it is still important in order to keep the skin looking young and feeling smooth. I don’t have dry skin at all, but I actually prefer the rich moisturiser to the light one.


The Body Shop Vitamin E Body Lotion

I love Body Shop products, and although they can be pricey they do tend to last for quite some time and they are excellent quality. I’ve recently got this new Vitamin E body lotion and it’s fantastic, it locks the moisture into your skin leaving it feeling soft and smooth for hours after application.



Models Own Make Up Brushes

These were a bargain set, at just £10. There is an assortment from a big brush for foundation/bronzer to smaller ones that can be used for eyebrows or eye shadow.


Miss Sporty Morning Baby! BB Cream 001 Nude Radiance

Considering this is the lightest shade it comes in, it’s actually a little dark and on the orange side for my skin tone, but underneath foundation it doesn’t look too bad, or if I just use the tiniest minimal amount by itself for a more natural look. It actually has a bit of a glimmer to it leaving your face literally glowing. It is a light cream which is easily applied with a brush.

Bourjois Paris 123 Perfect Foundation No. 51 Light Vanilla

This liquid foundation from Bourjois Paris has 3 correcting pigments: 1; yellow pigments – anti dark circles, 2; mauve pigments – anti dull complexion and 3; green pigments – anti redness. This helps to achieve a flawless complexion and lasts well all day. It also mattifies the skin effectively.

Miss Sporty So Matt Perfect Stay Smooth Pressed Powder 001 Light

I think every girl should own a pressed powder of some kind, especially when summer comes around and it’s easy to let your skin get out of control, ending up with that shiny, greasy look. Nice. Although it comes with a sponge applicator I like to use a brush to apply powder as I find its easier to get an even coverage without turning your skin orange. Remember to lightly powder down your neck as well so you don’t get that awful face – neck line!


Miss Sporty Liquid Concealer with Vitamins E & C 001 Light

This concealer is brilliant for covering up various blemishes, it rubs into the skin nicely and doesn’t leave too much build up, and doesn’t clog up your skin too much either like some concealers can.

Miss Sporty Coverstick 001 Light

Sometimes a dab with this coverstick before applying foundation or BB cream is all it takes to get rid of any visible blemishes, however this combined with the liquid concealer does the trick for the more stubborn blemishes.



Miss Sporty Pump Up Booster Mascara

This mascara definitely adds plenty of volume to my lashes and creates a bit of length too, it is easy to apply, rarely leaving clumps in your lashes which can be tricky to get rid of without ruining your entire look. The only thing that’s missing is that it isn’t waterproof (I need to invest).

Miss Sporty Studio Lash Liquid Liner

Most liquid eyeliners can be rather pricey but this is brilliant value for money. It’s thick black consistency is great and it comes with a very small brush which makes the application so much easier. It also has brilliant staying power.

Maybelline New York Expression Kajal Gentle Precision Eyeliner 33 Black

Every basic make up kit is in need of a simple black eyeliner pencil. This one is great as it is easy to draw one thin black line with, the pencil is smooth and soft so it doesn’t irritate your eyes like some do. There isn’t a lot else to say about it!



L’Oreal Glam  Shine Stain Splash 101 Lolita

I’ll admit I bought this product under the influence of Cheryl… but it is fantastic and well worth the £7 I spent on it. It comes in various different colours and I originally wanted the bright red one but this was the only one in stock when I got it, and it’s a lovely colour so I didn’t mind too much. The colour stays on for hours and your lips stay shiny for ages after application too. And it smells great! What more can you possibly want?

Vaseline Original

If you don’t own at least one pot of Vaseline, I’m seriously judging you right now! I rarely leave the house without it, and apply it multiple times throughout the day… it’s my favourite essential product and I don’t think I’d live without it! I feel so lost if I go out and leave it at home. (Is it true it makes your eyelashes longer? Please share your thoughts…)

Thank you for reading! What are your make up essentials?