
Hi I’m Lauren! This blog is about sharing creativity and passion. Here I will write about things I come across in everyday life, things that I want other people to know about, things I want to share with the world, from tv shows, to mascara to people I love. I have a lot of idols – Karen Barber, Christopher Dean, Jayne Torvill, Jodeyne Higgins, Sean Rice, Lea Michele, Darren Criss, Naya Rivera, Dianna Agron, Girls Aloud… to name a few – but these names are likely to pop up on here.

I’m not one to let things go easily and I like to dream big.  I’m a dancer aspiring to make a career out of my passion. Posts will mainly be about dancing and beauty products… and anything else that comes along that I feel is worthy of a post! I may even go a bit more lifestyle/fitness/wellness orientated every now and then. One thing must be made clear is that this blog is not specifically a fashion or beauty or dance blog, it’s more of an all round thing. If you’re looking for something in particular I’ve made it pretty easy to find by categorising posts. Find your way around using the nav bar at the top (probably how you got here).

I’ve recently started writing book reviews on my blog also, please be aware that none of them will contain spoilers,  just a general outline and feel of the book, unless stated otherwise in the post. My blog is going to be a big mixture of anything that crops up that’s worth writing about, but everything will have it’s own category if you’re only here for one specific subject. Thank you for coming along and I hope you enjoy it.

Happy reading, thanks for coming along!

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