Internet Friends |Dreams That Glitter

Starting from yesterday, going right through to next Saturday, this week is going to be amazing… It started with our long awaited sleepover last night, which I’ll talk more about in a minute. On Tuesday I’m going to see Imagine Dragons, then on Thursday I’m going to see the second part of The Hunger Games series, Catching Fire. I wanted to read the book again before I went but I don’t think that’s going to happen now I’ve been busy (procrastinating). On Friday Glee is on which always makes the week better but I do believe there’s a fair bit of Klaine interaction including a kiss so… *squeals*. Then, on Saturday I’m going to see The Family which I’ve been waiting so long for and can’t wait! When I was at the train station yesterday I saw a poster on the wall and nearly fell on the ground, I’m 100% serious. 

So, yesterday me, Vicky, Willa and Lucy slept round Ellena’s for our ‘bluewater reunion’. It has conveniently now been exactly 5 months since we went and slept in a shopping centre, one of the most crazy experiences I’ve ever had and I’d so do it again over and over given the chance (if you want to read the experience from 16/06/13 click here).The fact that we all met one of our biggest idols (and made fools of ourselves probably) and now we’re all the best of friends because of that, it’s quite special. 


Reunion photo…

These people (along with a couple of others who couldn’t make it yesterday) are just really special to me and I’m so glad I met them and Chris gave us the opportunity to do that ❤ We literally watched so many episodes of Glee over the course of the time we were together including the Glee Live Concert Movie. We just flailed and screamed and cried over Klaine and were on the floor every time Blaine was on the screen (then there was Ellena the Kurt stan who did the same for him) and we just had the best time because we were all together. We didn’t sleep until about 5am, not until we’d watched some weird ass British television. If you’ve never heard of a show called Fuzzbox, go search it on YouTube. After about 10 seconds you’ll be wetting yourself with laughter and be incredibly disturbed, and possibly consider the fact that you may well be high and hallucinating. Or maybe this is just the effects of watching it at 4am after consuming a lot of pizza and sweets. We came to the conclusion that it’s a bit like a stoned version of Glee, it has the singing and everything, and you can kind of link up the characters too, it’s quite worrying really. 

I hope it’s not too long until our next meet up, and hopefully at Christmas we’ll be able to have another big sleepover 🙂 

More pictures on 


Meeting My Lee<3 |Dreams That Glitter

So today I met Leah, who I have considered to be one of my closest friends for like the past two years, we started talking on twitter over three years ago and regularly iMessage and Skype each other, so it felt like we already knew each other really… I travelled up to Derby by myself which was a little daunting because I’ve never been anywhere even on a bus totally on my own before, so practically halfway up the country was a bit of a jump, but I was fine and I got there and back without getting lost so it was fine and I’ll happily do it again sometime in the future. We had a lovely day shopping and then went back to Leah’s for tea before I had to get back at the station to come back home. The last thing we did was hug and pinky promise to see each other again soon :’)

Too many train tickets for one day, I got so confused with them all!



July in Instagram|Dreams That Glitter




Here is the month of July in my Instagram…(laurenhollie_). As you can see the majority of the photos are from my day in London, where I met up with some friends I met at Chris Colfer’s signing, we had such a good day even though not everyone could make it, but I hope we get to do it again soon with more of us! We went to the natural history museum, covent garden, and hyde park.

There’s also my new wedges from miss selfridge in there, which were a total bargain – £20 reduced from £42! I love them. The white bag is from Madeira, a present my dad bought back from his holiday for me and its already been put to good use.

You can also tell from these pictures that July has been quite a dance orientated month… There was a lot of rehearsing going on at school because we had Solo Composition and Set Study exams, I also had my Grade 8 ballet exam on the 22nd, which I think went quite well…but I won’t get the results of any of that until September, I hate waiting.

Maybe I’ll do this again at the end of August with more stories to tell… Hope you all had a good month and that you have a good August! I bet you’re all going somewhere nice while I’m stuck staying in England. Have fun x

Summer Fitness|Dreams That Glitter

Me and my friend Maisie are doing a fitness plan for the six weeks we’re off while we have some time off school and dance so we can improve flexibility and such…We might be teaching a dance class for middle/lower school kids at some point too, so we’ve been working on some routines for that. I’m also teaching her ballet technique and some syllabus work so she can start a class in September!

So far we’ve been in the studio twice, usually for around 3 hours at a time… We’re going again on Saturday. We’ve also started yoga and Body Step (a little challenging but great for building stamina?), I’ve been in the gym a couple of times as well. I’m trying to do something active every day, I don’t want a repeat of last summer… Today I went to Armageddon (it’s like circuit training) and zumba with my mum (she’s a fitness instructor). Day off tomorrow though, so it’s all good! Can’t wait to see how much progress we can make by the end of the summer.

And you can’t forget to treat yourself after a good workout… Iced coffee or Costa’s new ‘Coffee Coolers’ are just the best, I totally recommend them.


In Costa



Practicing a bit of pointe work 


My current favourite drink 

Why are people so afraid?|Dreams That Glitter

 So it’s past midnight and this might not make much sense when I read it back tomorrow or whenever, but I’m going to go ahead and post it anyway. It’s just something that’s been on my mind for a while now. I don’t even know if anyone still reads this blog but hey ho.

Why are people so afraid of what they want? Afraid to go out and get something they’ve been wanting for such a long time, afraid to chase their dreams? Even if they have everything they need to achieve what they want, and are perfectly capable of it, they let the opportunity pass by because they’re afraid. Of what though? 

Self doubt is a big reason. I’m included in this, I’ll admit. I don’t always have faith in myself and I know it’s silly because I tell other people they should believe in themselves more all the time, yet I can’t do that myself. Not all the time anyway. Why is that so difficult? Who knows? I think pressure from family or friends comes into it sometimes, but mainly pressure from society. Pressure to succeed. Pressure to do well from start to finish, but sometimes it’s just not as easy as that.

It takes time to get what you want, and it takes a lot of hard work. But in the right mind set and making sure you’re well equipped for what it is that you want to achieve whether it be anything from loosing weight to getting the career you want, anyone can do whatever they want with their lives. 

There’s too much pressure – on teenagers in particular – to be ‘perfect’. Have a perfect body, a flawless complexion or be in line with the latest fashion trends, but is that what’s really important in life? Are people that are ‘lucky’ enough to have all those things really, truly happy? Probably not. Because it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.

If you have a goal with what you want in life, then go and chase it, and do anything and everything you can to make it happen. Because with the right positivity you can do it. You can get there. You don’t have to be like your mum, your dad, anyone else in your family, or your friend. You don’t have to be like your idol, or any celebrity you see on tv or in magazines. You are you. You are your own person. And if there’s something you want to do with your life, then you deserve it. A friend once told me ‘If people aren’t laughing at your dreams, then they aren’t big enough.’ 

Meeting Chris Colfer|Dreams That Glitter

Apologies for the lack of updating, thought I doubt anyone actually reads any of this rubbish I post so very rarely. I’ve been trying to keep a journal but it’s not really working out because I get bored half way through writing because it takes so long, or half the time I just sit and stare at it because I can’t be bothered to actually write… this however is much quicker.

Anyway, the 16th June 2013 was the best day of my life, that whole weekend was the best weekend of my life. To cut a story short, I met Chris Colfer and he’s such a flawless human I’m not even sure he is human. He’s an angel, for sure. Not even in the slightest bit exaggerating there. I met so many lovely people, I just had the best time. It’s hard to put into words exactly how I felt.

When I found out Chris was doing a singing in London I literally squealed, threw my phone and sprinted downstairs to tell mum (which involved getting highly exciting, screaming and maybe hitting her, oops). Me and Vicky and Ellena planned it right away and were so excited because it just seemed so unreal. Other than for the Glee Live Tour which we didn’t get to go to, Chris had never been to London or anywhere in this country even. We just couldn’t get our heads around what was happening.

On the Saturday the first person got in the queue to meet Chris at 9.10am, even though the signing wasn’t until 1pm Sunday. We left around 1:30 in the end, originally we were planning on leaving in the evening sort of time, but we saw Bluewater’s tweets and panicked. We got to Bluewater at around 3pm and were 22, 23 and 24 in the queue (I was 23) – this is highly impressive as by Sunday at around 12 (when the queue got cut off) there was around 700 people, each and every one of which got to meet Chris because he’s such a babe and didn’t want to leave anyone out. After 500 they were all reserved so there was a chance Chris could’ve left after that.

The first thing we did after writing our numbers on our hands in sharpie, was go and buy the books from Waterstones – The Land of Stories and Struck By Lightning. Vicky told the cashier lady she was gonna pee herself and got told that was TMI… served the lady right for asking how she was. We were all practically bouncing off the walls with excitement so…

We immediately made friends with the people in front of us in the queue, and eventually made friends with more people further down as well. The whole weekend was like that though, you could potentially walk up to anyone and start talking and you’d be friends. We exchanged twitter names and it was strange because a couple of girls we were already following each other so it felt like we already knew each other in a sense…

At around 7ish me and Ellena went on a hunt for KFC because by that point we were starving, it took us about an hour to get back to Vicky with food, we got a bit lost after I read the map wrong, oops… Before that though I’d been sent to get coffee from Starbucks (which was directly opposite us) even though I don’t actually like it myself, and I said my name was Blaine so that it’d get written on the cups because reasons, I got a few weird looks but never mind. And the woman spelt it like ‘BLANE’ so we had to mark in the ‘i’. I later accidentally threw those cups away, oops again.

At around 9pm we spotted Willa and Chloe arrive and went down to go see them and say hi after we’d decided it was stupid not to. I don’t know why we were so shy about it at first, but we got on so well from the start and we ended up spending the entire night with them, so it was a very good decision to make. At about 11 I think, Lucy arrived and we all witnessed the Willy hug, which was beautiful. They ran at each other and like collided into this massive hug, and neither of them let go for ages and it was really cute. We all serenaded them with Somewhere Only We Know because Klaine.

None of us slept for more than a couple of hours (I got about an hour’s sleep in ten minute intervals) we spent a lot of the night talking. At 4am me and Vicky were the only ones in our little group still awake and this random guy came over with a pack of playing cards and started showing us magic tricks which are even more mind blowing at 4am when you’re sleep deprived and not really sure what’s going on (random guy, if you’re reading this, which I don’t think you will be, please make yourself known because I still haven’t found you in the land of tweets).

I woke up around 5:30am thinking it was about 8am, and then got very disappointed… I didn’t really get back to sleep after that. The morning dragged by until about 11, then it went so quickly it’s all a blur. We had to go back to our space in the queue, and the entire shopping centre belted out an acapella rendition of Don’t Stop Believing followed by Teenage Dream, that was amazing. (I’ll try and track down some videos and post them here at some point).

We were in the first group of people to go in and meet Chris, and we all piled into the bookshop, there was a lot of pushing and shoving and being the short little hobbit that I am, I was like the last person there to see Chris himself, but as soon as he appeared everyone broke into cheers. The whole thing was so surreal.

When I saw him properly, that was it I burst into tears. I don’t really know why, I’m not a crying kind of person, I don’t cry at anything really. But apparently if you put Chris Colfer in front of me I bawl like a baby. I couldn’t stop, I tried to compose myself a bit before I had to stand in front of him, but it didn’t really work. It nearly did, but when Vicky went up first and handed him the scrapbook we made him of 70 reasons why we love him, he summoned us over (he directly looked me and Ellena in the eyes, and waved at us to come over) so we all  stood there together and me and Vicky had to apologise for crying, Ellena was suprisingly calm.

I managed to actually get words out when it was my turn though, which is incredibly surprising considering the state I was in – I can’t believe I met him looking like that, that is the impression he’s going to have of me forever now. He may or may have said ‘Hi sweetie’ or something like that, but I don’t really know, it’s all a blur like I said. Anyway, he asked me what my favourite part of the book was, if I had a favourite part, and I said yes of course, I love the ending with the twist about their dad… (talking about TLOS) I then pointed to it as if he didn’t know what I was talking about which obviously he did like… and his face lit up and he was like ‘oh, yeah!’ and then he said ‘You’ll love the next book then, it has an even bigger twist!’ and HE WINKED AT ME. It was glorious. Then we all kind of ran out of the shop and hugged each other and were just sobbing hysterically.

As soon as we got out there was a photographer wanting a group shot, so we kind of composed ourselves a bit, and the photo is brilliant, we all look so happy with our signed books and ah… all the camping, the 22 hours of waiting, had all been worth it just for that 60 seconds with Chris Colfer. I can’t even explain.

I just had the time of my life, with two of my best friends, I met so many lovely people who I hope to meet again, and I met Chris Colfer. It was the best. ❤1000799_10151458834350248_1443356314_n 1016822_10151458835480248_234426921_n Capture Capturekafn chris