Audition – Go Your Own Way |Dreams That Glitter

For those who asked me to post it, here’s my actual dance audition video. Let me know what you think… I messed up a couple of times I’m not sure if you can tell, I missed a bit at the beginning because the music wasn’t turned up, and had to improv a little after the cartwheel… That’s all. 🙂

Dance Company Update |Dreams That Glitter

from amy

Look what my fabulous friend Amy made! Isn’t she clever?;)

I just got some rather exciting news…. I got into the school dance company! I’m so happy and can’t wait to start rehearsals on Tuesday! I don’t think my audition went quite as well as it could have to be honest but I guess that doesn’t matter because I got in as long as I keep working hard and put lots of effort in. I’m getting a copy of the video of my solo from the audition from my teacher, I forgot to take in my memory stick earlier in the week and then my teacher wasn’t in, so hopefully I’ll get hold of that on Tuesday and post it here if I can bare it. Hopefully there’s an improvement at least in the performance side of it from the other video I posted from Sunday. I’ve just realised this now means on Tuesdays I’m going to be in school over 9 hours from 7.15 – 4.30…. that’s not a nice thought. Trampolining at 7.15, I then have PE and Dance in the day and then dance company after… I shouldn’t complain though should I?! With the help of coffee and some kind of energy filled foods I’m sure I’ll get through it all. And then probably an early night. Anyway, we’re working towards a show in December called ‘Night at the Movies’ and we’re doing pieces from the Matrix and Slumdog Millionaire, so it should be good!

A bit of a ballet update here while I’m at it… Pointe is going really well, I can actually do things without clutching onto the barre for dear life, hooray! My friend Maisie (I’ve mentioned her a few times before) has started ballet and been coming to the Inter Foundation class I do before pointe, and she’s doing really well so yay for that too! And my teacher is clearly already considering her a favourite which is always a bonus. 😉

Ok I think that’s it for now… Happy Friday! Hope you all have a fabulous weekend. 🙂 xxx


Dance Company |Dreams That Glitter

I was in two minds whether to upload this or not but thought what the hell I may as well, and also it’s a good thing to have as a comparison to any future solos I guess. This is my choreography to Lissie’s Go Your Own Way for my school dance company audition which is on Tuesday, I choreographed in about a couple of hours and have tried to practice it as much as possible… I don’t think this video is the best I can do it but hey ho. Feel free to let me know what you think!